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29 August 2024 5PM
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  • #7249
    Qazi Abdullah

    Ericksonian hynotherapy have a rationale of utalizing patient’s resources, emphasizing importance of indirect suggestions and on patient’s control. The technique was given by Milton H Erickson and was associated with conversational tone. Unlike past rigid methods it has a roam of flexibility and adaptability.
    It has exaggerated use of metaphors, symbols and antidotes thus Erickson also believed that in order to make a change one should put themselves into patient’s shoes. The past history of client is not a focal point of change as was Freudian way.
    Some fundamental chunks of the model are buiding rapport , overloading conscious attention and indirect communication.
    Trance was not considered as some altered state but as something exhisting in different forms in daily life aswell. It is efficient to fight against “Resistance” via indirect suggestions as it is explained biologically that prefrontal cortex filters out every information. Patient’s conflicts were taken as a process so focus was given more on changing the symtom ( intensity) to change the entire pattern of problem. Unconscious has alot of resources so they are utalized. Some important techniques are the confusion technique, handshake induction etc.

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