Deep Trance State: A deep level of hypnosis enhances the subject’s suggestibility, crucial for inducing amnesia.
Clear and Direct Suggestions: Specific, positive instructions to forget certain memories or information are essential.
Positive Language: Use simple, positive phrasing rather than negative or confusing language.
Post-Hypnotic Suggestions: These help reinforce the amnesia after the session, allowing the memory to stay inaccessible until triggered.
Testing the Amnesia: Ensure amnesia has taken effect by testing the subject’s recall during or after the session.
Confusion Techniques: Confusion increases suggestibility, making it easier for the subject to forget.
Anchors and Triggers: Use signals to control memory recall or forgetfulness.
Confidence and Belief: The hypnotist must project confidence, as the subject’s belief plays a role in success.
Reinforcement: Repeating the amnesia suggestions ensures the subconscious mind accepts them.
Trance Deepening Techniques: Deepening the trance enhances the effectiveness of the suggestions.
Gentle Restoration: If necessary, restore the forgotten memory carefully using cues or post-hypnotic suggestions.