Hypnotherapy basically helps to deal or cope with stress and anxiety by allowing the subconscious mind to be open to suggestions . It brings positive change in an individual by making suggestions while they are in hypnosis. A recent international survey that included nearly 700 hypnosis practitioners (Palsson 2023 )provides a general view of how hypnosis is utilized in clinical settings. Results from the survey revealed that hypnosis is most commonly used by clinical psychologists . Respondents were asked to rate the effectiveness of specific applications of clinical hypnosis. Seven applications of hypnosis were rated as highly effective by at least 70% of respondents stress reduction, enhancing well-being, preparing for surgery, anxiety, mindfulness, childbirth, and enhancing confidence.
Nowadays each of us is in constant stress to meet our deadlines , achieve results , complete targets ,etc and in this process we forgot to manage issues such as guilt , negative self talk , grief , addiction and so on . Therefore psychological problems shape our behaviour hypnotherapy can be a great way to declutter the mind and cut it roots resulting in holistic well being . It prepares the mind to increase the heightened state of focus and achieve therapeutic goals .