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Selfcare and Burnout Prevention
29 August 2024 5PM
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  • #7264
    Bareeha Kamran

    Cognitive behavior therapy combined with hypnosis is also known as cognitive hypno therapy, this approach was first given in 1994. To understand this concept lets break it down first cognitive therapy revolves around the idea that behaviors is based on schemas i.e. mental sets and these schemas are formed on the basis of past experiences including memories attitudes beliefs. For example a trauma in your implicit memory that you are not aware of will drive you to behave or think in set patterns. On the other hand behavioral therapy states that behaviors are learned and can be unlearned with the help of punishment reinforcement or systematic desensitization both of these therapies root for changing behavior for example a person is suffering with social anxiety, with the help of cognitive therapy we will identify and restructure the thought pattern improving self-efficacy and with the help of behavioral therapy we will gradually and systematically expose them towards situations causing the person anxiety. Cognitive behavior therapy used both of these techniques combined for variety of psychological problems.
    Persons’ Formulation (1989)
    Early Experience: Was always negatively evaluated and compared to others by his parents in childhood

    Schemas: Mistrusts ability to do things.
    Core Beliefs: fear of negative evaluation result in anxiety leading to behavioral and physiological problems.

    Assumptions: I know I am not good enough

    Trigger: Thought of an upcoming class presentation.

    Vicious cycle:
    Negative Automatic Thought (NAT): Negative thoughts of dread, apprehension and failure.
    Consequence: negative self-talk
    Feeling: Hopelessness, worthlessness, depression, shame and withdrawal.
    Behavior: Decision not to put themselves in that situation again.
    In this case scenario by using CBT we can restructure the persons negative thought patterns by asking them to form more logical arguments against NAT as well as encouraging positive self-talk and asking them to engage more and more in behaviors that could possibly boost their self esteem
    Now comes in the question how CBT and hypnosis work together, CBT primarily operates on the conscious part of the mind whereas hypnosis operates on the subconscious and unconscious level therefore cognitive hypnotherapy incorporates hypnosis to help ‘update’ the subconscious in line with the conscious and its understanding of reality. When you add hypnosis into the mix, we’re able to access the ‘daydream state’ in which we are more able to accept positive direction and suggestion, while our conscious thoughts are suspended.
    For instance in the above mentioned example CBH will work on the individual facing social anxiety by inducing hypnosis with help of PMR guided imagery deep breathing etc. and then restructuring the thought process when the client is in the state of trance by suggestion more positive alternatives to their beliefs with the help of guided imagery you can make the client visualize successful social gatherings with him in it inducing self-confidence which will lead to behavioral changes

    Owais Iqbal

    Good attempt 👍🏻

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