Alias Grace is a film adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s novel, depicting the true story of Grace Marks, a 19th-century Canadian maid convicted of the murders of her employer and his housekeeper. The film, starring Sarah Gadon as Grace and Edward Holcroft as Dr. Simon Jordan, focuses on Grace’s psychological examination through hypnosis.
Dr. Jordan, hired to assess Grace’s mental state, uses hypnosis to delve into her fragmented memories and uncover hidden truths. This technique is central to the film, as it reveals the complexities of Grace’s psyche and the potential influences on her behavior. Hypnosis uncovers repressed memories and blurred perceptions, raising questions about Grace’s involvement in the crime and whether she was manipulated or coerced.
The film explores how hypnosis impacts Grace’s recollections, illustrating the struggle to distinguish between reality and suggestion. It also examines how psychological techniques like hypnosis can affect a person’s understanding of their own actions and memories, adding depth to the narrative of Grace’s guilt and innocence.