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Selfcare and Burnout Prevention
29 August 2024 5PM
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Fizza Zubair

  • Position: Content Creator
  • Education: BSc Psychology
  • Certification: N/A
  • Area of Expertise: N/A
  • Experience: N/A
  • Location: Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Email:
  • Phone: 03xx-xxxxxxx

Hello, I’m Fizza, currently on the journey of earning my undergraduate degree in psychology. Within the esteemed cabinet of “The Psycholar,” I play a crucial role as a content creator with a singular goal, to advocate for mental health in Pakistan. My mission is clear: to eliminate the stigma surrounding therapy and make a positive impact on the psychological well-being of individuals.

Drawing from my past experiences as a content creator in various institutions, I am excited to channel my skills and expertise into something I am genuinely passionate about. “The Psycholar” is not just a platform; it’s a movement. We don’t just aim to dispel misconceptions; we strive to build connections that amplify our collective influence.

Join us in elevating the intellectual pulse of the psychology community. I am enthusiastic about contributing to this transformative journey, and I invite you to be a part of it too. Together, we can create lasting change.