Tagged: #RapportbuildingatConsciousLevel
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 months, 2 weeks ago by
Qazi Abdullah.
August 22, 2024 at 4:12 pm #7328
Qazi Abdullah
ParticipantRapport building is an essential component of psychotherapy as it build open communication, treatment success and build a good therapeutic relationship.It is important to make the patient calm, to make them feel secure and to show that they are being understood.
“the ability to connect with others in a way that creates a climate of trust and understanding”
Certain aspects which aid the process of rapport building are:
2) facial expressions
3)Body language
4) warmth
Some focal points:
1)It is important to maintain sense of calm instead of being extra confrontational
2)Listen to their opinion
3) Maintain patience
4) Allow them to explore ( insight building)
5) Be mindful , filter out prejudices
6)Make use of active listening, balanced reflection , paraphrasing and summarising.
7) keep yourself open to opinions
8) Use soothing tone of voiceCarl Rogers believed that “true empathy is always free of any evaluative or diagnostic quality
hence inorder to break an ice , inorder to explore some hidden realities and inorder to treat them effectively it is more important to practice empathy.
Rogerian therapy model is still in use and thus it is signiicant interms of collaboration as it runs upon principles of guininess and unconditional possitive regard.
Incase of psychoanalytic literature sigmund freud considered it as an important aspect when unconscious conflicts take the robe of preconscious to enter into conscious light . He labeled it as transference.
Judith Beck explained that there are two ways to build an alliance thus by sharing some common ground and by connecting on human level.I want to end my discussion by eleborating how a rapport is built in two significant psychotherapies:
1) Psychoanalysis: By understanding unconscious conflicts , by utalizing slip of tongues and by understanding patient’s own perception upon the case and still helping them to find unheard, unsaid , unknown realities within the unconscious light.
In rat man case Freud concluded that infantile sexual behavior turned him as obsessional neurotic but his own explination was that precipitating cause was linked with the death of his father. He accepted his judgment, prompted him and let him learn more.
2) CBT : In CBT operational defintions are evaluated and the client’s perceptive is listened , feedback is provided, socrative questions are asked and then they are rephrased. -
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