In my imagination, I was in the space. it was so beautiful and just so calming. I was told to walk down the stairs which were covered with the softest rug in the rug. My feet felt so much at peace. the peace travelled to my mind. when I came down the stairs, there was a chair in the air and it was stable. I sat on the chair with my legs folded.
there was one big of image of my anxious self. I could feel the heaviness in that imagge, I was so consumed by it. I was unhappy.
whereas on the other side, there was the happy me. the dania who lives in the present and enjoys every moment that she is blessed with. That image was small. then both of the images started moving towards me, the bigger one started getting small and the smaller one was getting bigger. the heaviness of the anxious image was fading away and then suddenly, there was silence and when I opened my eyes, I was in the meeting room with other classmates and everyone was looking at me and smiling.
it was a bit embarassing at first but I am so glad that, that heavy feeling faded away. i did not get to complete it but I was grateful for that practice session. It was something that I really needed that day.