As part of this course, I’d like to share a real-life experience from about two years ago that I think relates to the arm levitation technique we’re learning about. I discovered through this course that I’m a kinesthetic individual, meaning I respond strongly to physical sensations. When I was 17, I was rushing to an extra class and found myself waiting across the street from a stranger who was smoking. Despite being late, I was unable to move, fixated on the man and his cigarette. My left hand felt unusually heavy, as if it were weighed down, while my right hand was normal. As the man lit his cigarette, my right hand began to lift slightly, and when he exhaled, it felt as though the smoke was blowing directly into my face. I instinctively used both hands to disperse the smoke. This entire experience, which lasted only 2-3 minutes, felt like it was in slow motion to me. Afterwards, I was able to continue to my destination as if nothing had happened.