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  • #7332
    Qazi Abdullah

    As we know about a statement that testing theories bring some changes in them thus this case is practical demonstration of it, this case covers important conceptions linked with hypnosis and how they were utalised by Sigmund Freud and Joseph Breur inorder to investigate Hysteria:
    Ana was born on 27th of Feb at vienna at Jew family. Anna had 1 younger brother and two sister sisters.In 1867 one her sister died of tuberculosis .
    At her middle childhood Ana missed the school thus to focus more on seewing. Later on her father also faced tuberculosis and she used to took care of him , he died and she gradually started to feel ill herself aswell so she consulted Joseph Breur.
    Initially the treatment was linked with talk therapy (catharsis) so that she would be able to talk freely about whatever she remembers or whatever she can retrieve, later on Breur implemented hypnosis and every morning she was taken into state of hightend suggestibility inorder to make her experience some emotions again. Majorly those emotions were associated with her father’s death. There were alot of symtoms which could not be defined by physical perimeters and they all disappeared via suggestions imposed directly and when she was made to talk freely at post hypnotic time.
    The focal point of treatment which gave rise to psychoanalytic literature was when freud noticed that Anna is projecting her emotions of past on breur this was transference. By the aid of hynotherapy unconscious memories were making presence at conscious light via phenomena of projection.

    “Unexpressed emotions never die , they are burried alive and come back later in uglier ways”
    This case eleborated how hypnosis is useful at the treatment of functional neurological impairment or conversion disorder. Our infantile sexual impulses,unresolved conflicts , desires they do make presence when being reinforced as elborated in Freud (Netflix series)
    I am a home
    Inside me there is a light
    my consciousness is a lonely light
    the candle caught in a wind
    everything else lies within the darkness
    everything else lies within the unconscious

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