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Selfcare and Burnout Prevention
29 August 2024 5PM
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  • #7503
    Arooj Fatima

    Therapist: Welcome. I want you to find a comfortable position in your chair. Take a deep breath in… and out… Let your body relax as you settle in
    Therapist: Great! To begin, let’s do a simple handshake. Please extend your hand toward me. As we shake hands, I want you to focus on the sensations in your hand and the connection we’re creating. As I squeeze your hand gently, I want you to take a deep breath in… and as you exhale, imagine all tension flowing out of your body. Let that tension in your body dissolve with every breath.
    Creating the Hypnotic State
    Therapist: Now, as we continue to hold hands, I’d like you to notice how the warmth from our connection begins to spread through your arm, into your shoulder, and down your spine. With each breath you take, feel yourself sinking deeper into relaxation. In a moment, I’ll release your hand, and as I do, you might find yourself feeling even more relaxed, more at ease. Just let yourself go with that feeling.”
    Releasing the Handshake
    Therapist: (Gently releasing the handshake) “Now, let your hand rest comfortably on your lap. Allow your eyes to close if they haven’t already. Notice the sensation of your hand relaxing completely.With every breath, imagine a wave of calm washing over you, starting from the top of your head and flowing down to the tips of your toes. Each breath in brings in peace, and each breath out releases any remaining tension. As you continue to relax, I’m going to count down from 10 to 1. With each number, you’ll find yourself going deeper and deeper into this peaceful state. 10… feeling calm… 9… deeper still… 8… sinking into relaxation…

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